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Meet two people I don’t know but I want to hire.

Last Fall, we had an unseasonably warm October. It felt like such a gift to be able to sit outside and enjoy the warmer temperature and soft sun. We did this nearly every weekend savoring coffee one of our favorite local coffee shops. On one such Saturday, we were sitting trying a new coffee shop… sitting outside and enjoying the last of no coat weather.

An Acura pulled up, hazards flashing and the driver popped the trunk. We assumed he was running in to get a cup of joe. Instead, he hauled bucket pull of sudsy water out of his trunk along with a squeegee. We were a little perplexed and asked him what he was up to. He had such a spring in his step and positive vibe that we just had to know more. He replied, I put my kids through college washing windows. I’m here to Wash the Café’s window and scrape the gum off the sidewalk in front of the door. He was so genial and so happy to do what he was doing we wanted to learn more. He explained that he started his company when he was a very young father and he’s grown to love the work. He even said, I love the work even in the winter when it’s 0 degrees and I have to wash windows outside. He shared his client list and it included all for the top restaurants in Chicago. He then asked us if we ever noticed how clean a restaurants windows where. We admitted we never paid attention. He then asked us if we noticed dirty windows and if it made us think differently about that restaurant. We agreed it did. He then asked us whether we notice cigarette or gum outside a restaurant. We said we did and it changed our opinion of that restaurant. Long story short, this guy had us sold on him the minute he got out of his car.

He also taught us about the nearly unconscious choices we make about a service offering. That’s incredibly valuable and thought provoking. It I had any business to throw this guy’s way, I’d hire this guy in a Nano second because he brought positive energy, clear purpose and intent and made sure that you saw the value in it as well.

My other wishful employee is a woman I see every Thursday morning from May to November. We happened upon each other several years ago and I enjoy seeing her every Thursday morning. She is a city landscape employee who mows the grassy area just north of Museum Campus. I run that route every morning so I see her every Thursday. She is so into her job that makes me smile. She drives that mower like it it’s a Ferrari! She makes that thing turn on a dime and doesn’t miss a blade of grass. She rocks her music and sings at the top of her lungs…After all its 6 am… not many people are around to hear her. We have a fun relationship. We don’t know each other, have never spoken but we smile broadly and warmly and happily wave to each other each week. I love her enthusiasm for and command of her job. She makes it her best possible job…

I’d hire both these people in a heartbeat for this reason. When you watch them working, you get the sense that they’re into what they are doing because they love their job…not because it pays the bills. They both sing or whistle while the work…

One of the greatest satisfaction I get when we meet with a new client is more often than not, they comment on the fact that not only do we know data management but it’s clear that we’re passionate for it. Believe me, that’s not something you can fake.

What makes you want to hire someone?

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